Saturday, January 19, 2008

purse contd..............

The plural for "Man Purse" is "Men Purse."
We have stuff. In fact, we love our stuff. We wouldn’t even have this little medium and venue of judgment and recreation if we didn’t love stuff, in general. What women have learned is that they need a constantly accessible location to keep said stuff. The guys, while wary and a little bit concerned, are on their way.Enter the man purse.Now, I am not the phenom at bags that Bets may be (she is, of course, in charge of handbags worldwide), but I am a connoisseur of the masculine alternative. Be it a messenger bag, camera bag, or backpack, it is clearly socially acceptable for men to carry an everyday bag. It’s even smart, considering how many tools of necessity we have nowadays (phone, wallet, keys, blackberry, iPhone, camera, iPod, headphones, books, Airborne, keycards, etc.) that won’t comfortably fit into our pockets without looking fools (no, you’re not the exception. You stuff your pockets with all this crap, you look like a moron, sorry…).Guys, you can rock these bags, no question. You can even look good doing it. Okay, don’t worry, we’re not asking that you go out and do something like this:(Who knows if mustard is back, but we don't feel like indulging those who think it is...)But we are asking that you take into account a few reasonable thoughts before making snap purchasing decisions. Let’s review:An everyday bag must not get in the way of…well… your life. Therefore, we suggest that any bag that will be accompanying you basically everywhere should fit the look that you’re going for, and the lifestyle that you lead.For the messenger bag type of guy, the guy that means business and has the accessories to make sure he succeeds, we love the clean lines and variety of neutral tones that Jack Spade seems to churn out every season. It's timeless without being boring, it’s upscale without being oppressive, and it doesn't take that much thought to choose a tone that will compliment your outfit. These bags basically look good on everyone.If you’re more of the perpetually active type, regardless of whether you are of the ranch-hand or urban cowboy variety, we suggest a standard backpack. Now don't be hasty, not all backpacks are created equal. In fact, most of them pretty much (to quote the vernacular) suck. They not only are bad to look at, but they are also comparatively uncomfortable (so, please, step away from the L.L. Bean catalog...). Surprisingly (and not that common in fashion), the more ergonomically-correct bags are the ones that have a sleeker, more structured look. And while, on the subway seat next to you, they look the same as any other backpack, on your back they actually fit your back well, and succeed in making you look more active and less bulky. They also hold a surprisingly large amount of cargo, all the while refusing to make you look top-heavy. Don't hate us in this suggestion, but North Face carries a surprisingly varied number of options. Loving this bag, in particular.We are by no means against a large bag, as long as function necessitates form. When traveling, it's absolutely essential you have a pack that won't destroy the bliss that perfectly aligned vertebrae can bring. Here, we see an everyday backpack on the larger side, but one that doesn't bring a man down.All in all, a tasteful man purse is a bag that a guy can wear, helping him look good, feel good, and find comfort in knowing he's always prepared. Semper paratus and whatnot... that's all we're saying.

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