Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Othappams fav hotels in NY (but no chance to visit it)

MR.Othappam is now not able to get good food.He only have some noodles(nissins)and water from local supply taps.He lost his bodyweight & stamina.Like a lizard in a bowl for more tnan 6 months !!!!!

He is now in a foodmaniaackrantha state!!!!not able to get & eat good kerala foods.he knows that there are some good restaurants in NY city ,but he is now able to reach there (takes 2 days on flight)and has no money or else.

Anyway he is trapped in like a mouse in a empty box......

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The othappams newyork campus photos

Please see the real pictures of Mr.Othappams NY campus photos.Is that is a university or a local village tutorial college.

Monday, September 17, 2007

New photos of joannan USTECH ,just released..........

New photos of Nishu kuttan from Bangalore ..................

How to use SEX to "electrify" your mental powers and become a rampant creative genius!
Sex is everywhere these days, isn't it? You can't turn on your computer without being hit by a hundred different sexually related emails. Porn sites have dictated the evolution of the internet, driving forward into new realms of marketing, design, sales technology, and god only knows what else. All that innovation driven by the energy of sex!

Flip through a magazine, turn on the TV, and it seems that every other advert has some kind of sexual component used to sell everything from clothes to light bulbs (the ultimate turn-on!).

Why? Why all this nudity? What're all the cleavage shots about? Why is that muscular man drinking that soft drink while the women gawp at him?

Sex moves us to action. Sex inspires mighty deeds. Sex sells!